
Create form in excel for mac
Create form in excel for mac

create form in excel for mac

#Create form in excel for mac plus

Here you can select from a couple preset themes or if you click on the plus icon, you can select a custom colour or background image. Adding sections means you can break this up into multiple pages and the user will only see the next section of questions after completing the current section. If you have a lot of questions in your form and don’t use sections, then the user would see all the questions on one page. Sections in forms or quizzes allow you to break up the form into parts. Further options are available in the Ellipses menu.You can allow multiple answers and set the question to require an answer in order to submit the form.

create form in excel for mac

For quizzes, you can assign a point value for the purpose of calculating a quiz score.You can mark the correct answer (for quizzes) and add comments to the choices. For the multiple choices you can add or delete choices.You can select individual items from its suggestions or add them all. Forms has some built in AI capability to suggest answers for some types of questions.You can add the actual question along with a subtitle (the subtitle option is found in the Ellipses menu).You can copy, delete or move the question from the menu in the top right of the question.For example, the above picture shows the available options for the Choice style questions. This is handy if you have a long list of choices to add.Įach type of question has a different menu. Tip: Some question types like the Choice and Ranking options allow you to copy and paste from a range in Excel or a line separated text file. The Net Promoter Score option allows you to create questions like “How likely are you to recommend to a friend or colleague?” that utilize a net promoter style grading.The Likert option allows you to create “agree/disagree” scale type questions.The Ranking questions allows a user to drag and drop items to answer questions like order of preference.The Date option allows the user to select a date from a calendar to answer the question.The Rating option allows you to create questions with a star or number rating between 2 and 10.

create form in excel for mac

  • The Text option allows you to create long or short answer text questions.
  • The Choice option allows you to define a list of possible answers for the user to select one or more answers from.
  • There are 7 types of questions available.

    Create form in excel for mac